This Forbes article focuses on the challenges that AI faces in branding and storytelling, and the major need for narratives that show its direct human impact. Two leaders from Dotmatics, Melanie Nelson and Rebecca Sanchez Sarmiento, discuss the role of AI in the life sciences, the potential challenges, and the future prospects for their company and the industry.Key Takeaways:
AI faces challenges in branding and needs stories that highlight its human impact, with one significant area being the reduction in drug discovery timeframes from 10 years to potentially 2 years or less.
Dotmatics, utilized by over 2 million scientists, provides a platform that facilitates collaboration, automates processes, and analyzes data to prepare for AI-driven scientific research.
Potential challenges for AI in drug discovery include data readiness, ensuring data quality, ethical concerns, and balancing AI's power with considerations for safety and ethical implications.
Read the full Forbes article to learn more about becoming AI ready.
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